Thinking of Enrolling?

Looking to enrol at SJV, please contact us if you would like a tour of our school.

Please contact the Front Office on 6288 2383 for further information or email

Ready to enrol?

If you are ready to enrol your child for 2024, please complete an enrolment form. Our enrolment period begins in May for 2025.  More information to follow 

How to Enrol How to Enrol (ELC)


Want to learn more?

Welcome to St John Vianney’s Primary School.

St John Vianney’s Primary School is a happy place where students feel a strong sense of belonging, reach their fullest potential, and discover their love of learning.

We are an inclusive and diverse school community, welcoming students from all faiths and backgrounds, nurturing them in the Catholic faith and values, to become independent and resilient learners.

We attract and develop teachers who share this commitment. Our teachers use high impact teaching practices to bring out the best in every child. – learn more about our Catalyst program

Our school prides itself in being a small and caring environment, providing individualised attention to students and families, and building a strong and supportive community that nurtures every child.

Priority Enrolment areas

We accept enrolments from suburbs in our Priority Enrolment Area. These suburbs include:

  • Waramanga
  • Stirling
  • Rivett
  • Chapman
  • Fisher
  • Weston
  • Coombs
  • Wright
  • Denman Prospect
  • Molonglo North
  • Molonglo

If you live outside these suburbs, please find a school near you:

Click here to find a school near you 

To learn more about our school, please fill out the enquiry form below. Once we receive your details, we will send you an information pack about our school, including details on our upcoming information sessions and open days.

Also feel free to call our school on 02 6288 2383 any time during school hours.

Filling out the enquiry form is an optional step before enrolling. Once you are ready to enrol, you will need to fill out an application form.

School Fees

1 Child 2 Children 3 Children
        3,817           5,584            6,812

School fees are per year. If you have 4 or more children at the school please enquire with the Principal about further discounts available.

Discounts for financial hardship

It is CECG policy is that no child is to be denied Catholic schooling simply because of an inability (as opposed to an unwillingness) of a parent/carer to meet financial requirements. Please enquire with the school about available fee concessions to learn more.


Families are welcome to set up scheduled payments either termly, monthly, fortnightly or weekly.

Make an enquiry?

We welcome enrolment enquiries from all families, please fill out the enquiry form below to learn more about our school.

At SJV Everyone is Welcome

St John Vianney's Primary School prides itself on being an inclusive school where all children are welcome. We are a vibrant and welcoming community with an importance of having Christ as our centre. At St John Vianney's we continue to strive to ensure all children can meet their potential whatever their abilities or invdividual needs. St John Vianney's community fully support the Catholic philosophy and values, and aim to instill these in our teachings.

Children and families who are prepared to support Catholic ideals and principles are considered eligible for enrolment. Children from non-Catholic backgrounds are welcome; acceptance may depend on vacancies and local policies. Enrolment applications for all year groups are welcomed throughout the year.

St John Vianney's has an orientation morning in Term 4 for children starting Kindergarten in the following year, an information session is held for parents at this time. Children in other year groups are welcome to have a familiarisation day prior to commencment.

For further information about St John Vianney's please contact the school on 02 6288 2383 or


Being part of a tight knit community gives our students a sense of belonging from an early age. This is what some of our parents have to say about St John Vianney’s Primary School - Waramanga.

Student group photo

“SJV is the best school if you want to be more than just a number.” – SJV parent 

“My daughter has really loved the Religion element and has joined the choir; she’s singing all the time! She’s really come out of her shell and is committing to new things. She loves all the extra classes and activities that SJV offer.” – SJV parent 

“We started in a local Government school and moved to SJV. I never thought I’d see the day that my son wanted to be at school. At SJV, he has learnt that his dyslexia isn’t going to stop him from learning. The school encourages him to get involved in group work in ways that suit his learning style. He has found ways that he can contribute despite dyslexia and still be an asset in the classroom.” – SJV parent 

"A huge thank you for carrying our girls so gently through their primary school years.  Our daughters have had beautiful journeys with you at SJV. The friends they have made, the memories they have built and the morals they have learnt will stay with them - and us - forever.

These early formative years are so important, and it has been with the love, dedication, patience, and compassion you have shown over the past 8 years that will carry our girls into the next phase of their young lives.  The SJV community is one we have been proud to be a part of and the changes and improvements to the school have been constant and inspiring.

Thank you for all the classes, all the grading, all the lunch duties, all the prayers, all the concerts, all the camps, all the sport, all the ice packs, all the excursions and most of all .... all of your time, talent and love.

We will miss you SJV" -  SJV parent