RL Year1

The below information is for Year 1 students undertaking remote learning.

Roll call\Check-in is held via Microsoft TEAMS each morning. Please ensure that your child attends this session.  This is a time when all students are together for announcements and to discuss the days work.  This is also how the school monitors your child's attendance, which is an ACT Government requirement.  There is also an expectation that children complete a minimum of one to two set sctivities per day and these are submitted to their teachers.

A weekly schedule will be posted every Monday morning.  Activities and information will be posted daily.  Teachers are available during the day to assist students via classroom communication platforms.

Teachers will hanve already given your child their necessary usernames and passwords.  If your child cannot access the necessary online platforms please contact your teacher through Class Dojo or email.  If you are still having difficulties please contact the school. 

Year 1B roll call and check-in is at 9:15am

Platforms and websites *