
Canteen provides a variety of interesting and nutritional food for our students. Our Canteen is open Wednesdays and Fridays at lunch time.  Counter Sales are available at Recess for different year cohorts.  We have Year 6 students assisting with the food delivery.

Canteen News

This year the school canteen has reduced the menu, this is so it is more manageable for Mel as she is often on her own in the canteen. 

Some of the favourites that you are not seeing at the moment – Lasagne, Jacket Potatoes, Fried Rice, Cup-a-soup etc – will appear on the Winter Menu once we move into Term 2 and Term 3. 

Sometimes parents may log onto Qkr! On a Friday morning only to find a very limited number of choice options.  The reason for this is that at a certain time of the week, usually the night before the canteen day (eg Tuesday & Thursday), Mel will cap the menu options depending on the amount of help coming in for the following day.  This means that the order choices become a ‘first in first served’ system and as the orders arrive the cap comes into play, when the cap is reached the item is deleted off the menu.  This makes it manageable for Mel.

If however Mel knows she has a volunteer helper or two on Friday, the caps will be increased. If you can’t make it in to help but you can make pikelets, these are always welcome.   

Order from our Summer or Winter Menu  , Summer Menu Term 1 and 4    Winter Menu Term 2 and Term 3

Lunch orders are to be pre-ordered online, the ordering of lunches is by QKR!  If you need help ordering please follow these step by step instructions.

Limited snack purchases can also be made over the counter during the recess period. QKR has advised that their android phone app is experiencing difficulties and they are unable to give us a time when the issue will be resolved.  You can still download QKR onto your personal laptop device and navigate to make purchases from the canteen.  


Our canteen is only able to operate as successfully as it does with the valued support of our amazing helpers.

If you would like to volunteer to be on the canteen roster  – even just one day a term – we would really love your assistance. It’s a great way to meet new people.    

Our Canteen manager is Mel Harding, Mel can be contacted via the SJV Front Office on Wednesday and Friday mornings or Tuckshop 6288 7188 

2024 Canteen Volunteer Note