Schoolzine App

The Schoolzine app, known as SZapp is what SJV uses to communicate with parents via alerts.  The app also has forms for absentee notifications and has a direct link to parent information published on our webpage.

SJV recommend that all parents/carers download and register the app, and select the correct notification groups.

Instructions to install SZapp

  1. Download and Install the Schoolzine app on your device
  2. Find St John Vianney's Primary School
    • Select Asia\Pacific
    • Type St John Vianney's Primary School (no . after St)
  3. Register either with Email, or login with Google or Facebook
  4. Ensure the correct notifications are turned on
    • Push Notifications
    • Default Subscription
    • Parents\Guardians
    • After selecting Parents\Guardians, drill down and also select your child's class\es

Pictured instructions are also available on the SZapp Installation page.