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What's coming up and when:
Every Monday | Sports Day |
Every Friday | Sports Day |
Every Thursday | New for 2025 - SJV Parents and Friends Prayer Group. Time: 8:45am Where: Between the hall & canteen. Everyone welcome. |
Friday 21st February | Leadership Badges presented to our Year 5 and Year 6 Leaders at 9am morning assembly. |
Saturday 22nd February |
Sacramental Gathering Mass - St Judes Church 5:00pm - 6:00pm |
Wednesday 26th February |
Kinder Rest Day |
Wednesday 5th March |
Ash Wednesday Mass 9:30am. Parents and friends welcome |
Thursday 6th March |
Year 5/6 Journeying with Jesus Retreat @ SJV |
Tuesday 11th March |
Healthy Harold vist for K-3 |
Wednesday 12th - Friday 14th March |
Year 5 and Year 6 School Camp - Kianinny Bush Cottages |
Friday 21st March |
Swimming Carnival - Mt Stromlo Leisure Centre |
Friday 28th March |
School Disco TBC |
Dear SJV Community
Welcome to the end of Wk 3.
This is a Jubilee year for the Catholic Church which occurs every 25 years. The theme for Jubilee 2025 is “Pilgrims of Hope,” and it will be a year of hope for a world suffering the impacts of war, the ongoing effects of COVID-19 pandemic, and the climate crisis.
Lord, You came to share life with us here, The Father’s compassion made known; May hope in You dispel all my fears, In me, the light of Your love be shown.
The Resilience Project
As mentioned in my last newsletter we have begun the TRP (The Resilience Project). Below I have placed a link for you to access the Parent Portal. This is totally free and no sign-up is required.
Please engage with this portal. The videos are entertaining and discuss a common sense approach to the three key principles of the program - Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM). You will see Martin our presenter on the video, he is one of the team members that your child will engage with in their targeted videos every Monday morning.
You do not need to spend too much time in one go on the portal, just visit it once a week and try something new for 15 minutes. This will give you a great talking point with your child.
The link below takes you to a summary sheet for the project which has some quick easy read facts that you will find interesting. Parent_introduction_foundation_TRPHUB.pdf
Welcome New Staff Members
We welcome two new staff members to SJV. Lisa Wallace and Jamie Bishop are joining our Learning Support Team on Thursdays and Fridays. These two new staff members will give our students more support towards the end of the week which was an area of need.
Community Coffee Mornings – JOIN US TOMRROW MORNING Friday Wk 3 and 8 (8:30am-8:55am)
Thanks to the SCC (School Community Council) securing a Community Engagement Grant, we were able to purchase a fantastic coffee machine. Now that it is up and running, the council and school are excited to offer you the chance to grab a cup to go or enjoy a coffee and a chat twice each term.
These mornings coincide with our SCC meetings which also occur twice per term. The coffee machine will be operational from 8:30am until 8:55am just before the school’s Friday Assembly on the weeks advertised, outside of the Canteen. You could if you wish, linger a little longer and support the children who are receiving an award.
The coffees are just $3 per cup - or, if you're the proud owner of a special $14 SJV Logo cup, your first coffee is on the house! After that, you'll get refills for only $2. And guess what? Mr Rodda is stepping up as our resident barista. He's feeling pretty confident about pushing the button on the coffee machine while chatting with all the mums and dads!!! It's the perfect combo of caffeine and conversation!
Important Dates are -
Year 5 and Year 6 Leadership Badge Ceremony 21st February (badges to be presented to our leaders at tomorrow morning's assembly)
Year 5/6 Camp - 12th - 14th March
NAPLAN Yrs 3 (Week 5) and Yrs 5 (Week 6) - Please try to avoid out of school appointments for your child if they are in these classes.
School Disco - TBA (later in March, possibly Friday 28th)
Access to the School Calendar - How to navigate
Access the school website either through your computer or phone following this link
Mobile Phone – Scroll down until you see the second last coloured tile which I have pasted below. Follow this link to our school calendar.
Computer – Scroll down until you see the second last coloured tile which I have pasted below. Follow this link to our school calendar.
NAPLAN begins on the 12th March. All children are expected to participate unless a parent wishes to withdraw them for a specific reason.
Class Contacts
We would like parents to put their hand up for our seven classes at SJV. Thanks to Sonia Taflaga - she has advised that she will be the Year 3 Parent Contact. Please put your name forward so we can fill these positions.
Parent contacts usually monitor if there are new families coming into the class that need welcoming, organise a fun afternoon (eg. Bike ride at Stromlo, or hot chocolate and handball etc) for their class, call for volunteers when the class is organising an event like a disco etc. This is not an onerous position, so please put your hand up and take on the challenge.
God Bless
Peter Rodda
A message from the Assistant Principal and Mrs D's "Thought of the Week"
Last Monday morning, we launched 'The Resilience Project' across the school. The Resilience Project (TRP) is a program committed to teaching positive mental health strategies to prevent mental ill-health and build young people’s capacity to deal with adversity. We will be implementing their evidence-based Teaching and Learning Program throughout our classrooms, staffroom and school community.
Teachers and students will engage in weekly lessons and activities around the key principles of Gratitude, Empathy, Mindfulness (GEM) and Emotional Literacy to build resilience. These lessons will occur first thing every Monday morning.
You will start to hear your children talk about "GEM CHAT" and how looking at the positive changes the way we feel and act towards others. There is a flyer sharing more information and I will be posting in the newsletter regularly so that you can integrate TRP (The Resilience Project) into your own homes. I will also be setting you a family challenge to try or GEM Chat topic. You will find this week's below.
Sometime during the next fortnight, as family discuss what you are grateful for and share different moments of happiness and what makes you smile. Complete a family poster writing/drawing what your family is grateful for. When your family has completed this challenge I invite you to either email me an image of your completed poster, or send in the poster. I will use the family posters to create an "SJV Family Gratitude Wall" to be displayed in the school.
I have provided some optional templates: Gratitude_template_1.pdf, Gratitude_template_2.pdf, Gratitude_template_3.pdf to help make the task easier.
Completed posters can be either sent in or emailed:
More parent information about The Resilience Project can be found in the Principal's Message.
Mrs D’s ‘Thought of the Week….’
“Gratitude changes your perspective about life. You see the future, experience the present, and remember the past in a dramatically different way." Erwin McManus
Nina De Rosa
Assistant Principal
RE News with Laura Matchett
Gospel Reflection Luke 6:27-38
“Instead, love your enemies and do good, and lend without any hope of return.”
For many people, even those who identify themselves as Christians, this may be one of the most difficult passages in the Gospel. It seems to express an idealism that is totally unrealistic and unattainable. In the world we live in today, where do Jesus’ words fit in? It is worth noting that the passage begins: “I say to you who are listening…” In order to understand what Jesus is really saying to us, we have to put aside our prejudices and assumptions and really listen to what he is saying. This passage, in particular, is one where we are likely to react emotionally.
Jesus says: “Love your enemies; do good to those who hate you; bless those who curse you; pray for those who mistreat you.” We may feel that to follow this teaching is to try something which is totally beyond our capacity, that it would require a tremendous amount of will-power, and that it would only encourage those people to behave even worse. Yet this is the core of Jesus’ teaching, which he himself practised. The Golden Rule, which is sometimes expressed as “Do not do to others what you would not want them to do to you”, is expressed here in positive terms. It’s also worth noting that this golden rule is the foundation belief for nearly every other religious tradition in the world. So it is good to know, we are not alone in our struggles as Christians with this particular teaching from Jesus! As Christians, we pray for the wisdom, strength and courage to follow Jesus’ example.
Adapted from: https:/
Reconciliation 2025
Registrations for Reconciliation will close on Friday February 28th and can be made through the Parish’s Qkr! App. Please be in touch with the Parish via email: with any questions about the evening or registration.
Sacraments 2025
Families of students who are eligible to make one of the Sacraments (Reconciliation, First Eucharist or Confirmation) this year are encouraged to visit the Parish website: https:/ for information and registration details for each of the Sacraments.
Eligibility for each Sacrament is as follows:
Reconciliation - open to students who have been baptised Catholic and who are in Year 3 or above.
First Eucharist - open to baptised Catholic students who have made their Reconciliation and are in Year 4 or above.
Confirmation - open to baptised Catholic students who have received their First Eucharist and who are in Year 6 or above.
It is possible to receive more than one Sacrament in the same year, however, the Sacraments usually need to made in order (i.e. Reconciliation, followed by First Eucharist, then Confirmation). These questions and other general enquiries about the Sacramental program are best directed to the Parish Office via email:
SPAR - Parents and Friends Prayer Group
We held our second SPAR gathering this morning with a small group of parents and friends. A reminder that the group is open to everyone regardless of faith background, practising or non-practising Catholics, those who pray regularly, those who haven’t prayed in a while, anyone considering becoming Catholic, anyone curious about how we pray here at school, or anyone who would like 10 minutes of peace and calm in their week! You don’t need to attend each week, it will always be open to anyone who wants to come along.
The group will run on Thursday mornings in the space between the canteen and the hall. It will start at 8:45am and go for 10 minutes. Parents and friends with younger children are welcome to bring them along where they will be watched by Year 6 students in the hall. The prayer group will focus on reflections on the forthcoming Sunday’s Gospel, Christian meditation, and significant events and feast days central to the Catholic faith. No one will be asked to share or verbally participate unless they feel comfortable to do so. I’d encourage you to consider whether this might be something you give a try this year. Please feel free to contact me: with any questions or feedback (particularly regarding the timing, if this is a barrier for you to attend). I hope to see you there.
School Masses
As a school, we regularly attend the Wednesday morning 9:30 am Mass at St John Vianney’s Church. The choir sings at this Mass and sometimes our students have a role in other parts of the celebration. Parents and friends of our school are welcome to join us alongside parishioners at this Mass. Dates the school will be attending Mass this term are as follows:
Wednesday 5th March: Ash Wednesday Mass at 9:30am
Tuesday 25th March: Our Lady of the Annunciation Feast Day Mass (with St Jude’s),TBC.
Please note - Merit Awards will be handed out at NEXT Friday's morning assembly.
Kinder Anthony |
Banksy Halverson |
Year 1 St Bridid |
Geordie Halverson |
Year 2 St John The Baptist |
Ahsoka Walker |
Year 3 St Patrick |
Emma Ayling |
Year 4 St Clare of Assisi |
Esther Richardson |
Year 5/6 St Joseph |
Marqas Hughes-Bell |
Year 5/6 St Paul |
Carter Smith |
The Arts |
Xavier Ferrara |
Harper Topp |
School Wide Positive Behaviours
Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge
This year's theme is 'Spaces and Places Where We Read'
This year SJV students will participate in the 2025 Chief Minister’s Reading Challenge. At school, and at home, students are encouraged to read 30 books by the end of June (this includes books that are read to them/ shared).
Each student from Year 2 to Year 6 has a recording sheet in the library that they are encouraged to fill in to show the 30 books they have read.
SJV Winter Netball Teams
Calling all netball players! Team nominations will soon open for the 2025 Winter Netball season.
Who: Boys and Girls - Years 2 – 6
When: Games are held on Saturday Mornings - Terms 2 & 3 (finishing in early September)
Where: Arawang Netball Courts (Streeton Dr, Stirling)
Time: Early to Mid-Morning - Years 2/3/4 usually play first, followed by older years
Training: Times are set by each individual coach, but are often held straight after school at SJV
Registration: To be paid online to Arawang Netball Association
No experience is necessary – so come give netball a try in 2025.
To register your child’s interest for Winter Netball, please email your child’s name and year level to by Friday 28 February.
Once we have an indication of numbers/teams, a direct registration link for SJV teams will then be emailed out to interested players.
Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions.
Bec Battaglini
(Netball Coordinator/Parent Volunteer)
In previous years, parents have organised MiniRoos and Junior Football teams to play in the Weston Molonglo Football Club. It could be worth talking to other parents to see if there's interest in forming a team. Registrations are now open for MiniRoos (U6-U11) and Junior (U12 and up).
Happy Birthday to Billy S, Finn K, Tiarnan M
The ELC children shared in an exciting St Jude’s milestone today as they joined the school to make a giant 50 on the oval as part of St Jude’s 50th anniversary celebrations. We can’t wait to see how the photos turn out.
Fruit shop - Wednesdays
This Wednesday our ELC ‘Fruit Shop’ opened for business which means you will no longer need to pack a fruit snack on Wednesdays. Children will learn about different fruits and vegetables and they will be encouraged to taste things they may not have tried before. Each week we will focus on a mystery fruit, vegetable or herb and learn some interesting facts. If you have fruits or vegetables growing in your garden at home that you would like to share, please let us know.
This week our Mystery Fruit were strawberries. Did you know strawberries are the only fruit that has seeds on the outside? We have a strawberry garden on our ELC yard that children help to harvest from.
Matteo also bought in some fresh figs from his grandma’s garden at home.
Where there is a shop, there is a shop keeper! We all have a coin (not real) that we need to pay for the fruit we choose to purchase for fruit break.
St Jude’s Fete – Saturday 15 March
Our school fete is a great family day out and a wonderful opportunity to connect with the school community. We are currently seeking donations for the Plant Stall and Trash and Treasure, as well as sponsors and volunteers.
Calling Volunteers!
Many hands make light work and a great community. To volunteer an hour or so of your time, please go to and go the ELC Hairspray stall (or any other stall you would like to volunteer for).
Mufti Day
Mufti Day (non-uniform day) will be held Tuesday 25 February for the Stingray group and Friday 28February for Turtle and Lobster groups. The aim is to collect supplies and donations for our fete stall. Children are invited to wear plain clothes and we ask that you donate a can of coloured hairspray and a gold coin.
ELC Class Parent Reps
We are seeking a class representative for the Turtle and Stingray class. The parent rep will organise a class catch up/get together, help organise end of year teacher gift and send any reminders out if required.
Thank you to Archer’s mum, Lynda from the Lobster class, for volunteering already.
Karen Leighton - St Jude's Early Learning Centre
Phone: 0262875520
SJV Tuckshop is open Wednesday & Friday. Orders can be made online via Qkr! A copy of the Menu and Qkr! instructions can be found on the Tuckshop Webpage.
Friday 21st February
Nicole and Jen
Wednesday 26th February
Kinder Rest Day
Friday 28th February
Karen and Karli
Tuckshop Roster Term_1_2025_Canteen_Roster_.pdf
Please remember to bring your WWVP- (Working with Vulnerable People) card with you.
You can apply for the card via Access Canberra:
Term 1 & 4 The Summer Tuckshop Menu kicks in.
Please contact the Front Office or Mel or simply fill in the Canteen Volunteer Note to let us know you are able to help and when.
Mel Harding
Canteen Manager